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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 10, Issue 4
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
April, 2017

National Korean War Veterans Memorial Wreath Laying Ceremony

Nine members of the Korean War Veterans Association, Chapter 313, participated in this Ceremony on Saturday, March 4 at 12:30 pm.

This event was well attended with numerous dignitaries who all gave speeches such as:  The Korean Ambassador Ahn; Mrs. Yumi Hogan, the First Lady of the State of Maryland; and Mark Keam, Delegate to the Virginia Legislature from Arlington and a member of the Board of Governors, Korean War Veteran Memorial Foundation. 

Marshall “Peachie” DeHaven chats with MD First Lady Yumi Hogan.

Mrs. Hogan is a strong supporter of Korean-American relationship and will be an active supporter in raising monies for the Wall of Remembrance. 

Also attending were B. General Pyo, Se Woo and his aide—Lt. Colonel Lee, Kang Wook   

The Group that gave the $ 205,000 donation was the National Unification Advisory Council (NUAC) which is a group created by the Republic of Korea Legislature.  It advises the ROK President and Assembly on means for PEACEFUL unification of the two Koreas.  It is a powerful political group with 20,000 plus members world-wide, in many democratic countries.   NUAC Executive Chairman Yoo, Ho-Yeol presented the check and gave a speech for NUAC.   

The check was accepted by Col William Weber, Chairman of the Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation.  Both thanked all the Korean War

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