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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
May, 2017
Korean Legacy Foundation Interviews.

On April 13t h & 14th, Professor Jongwoo Han, the President of the KWV Digital Memorial Foundation made his second visit to Winchester to conduct interviews of some of our members for his Foundation.

  On his first visit, he interviewed James Berry, Charles Hoak, Ed Reel, Ray Fish, Lew Ebert, Buck Thompson, Don Hones, Jack Kronenberger, Leonard Laconia, Narce Caliva, Edgar Tufts, and Doug Fargo. This time he interviewed Paul Bombardier, Dave Clark, Gary Fletcher, Jim Markley, Herb Taylor, Donald Westfall, Josh Morimoto, Dick Boxwell, Jack Keep, Bill Scott, Fred Haymaker and Lew Ewing.

The purpose of Dr. Han's Foundation is to preserve memories of Korean War Veterans, to honor their sacrifice and service, and to educate our young generation on the legacy of the Korean War -the U.S.'s most successful involvement since WW II and its strategic alliance with the

Republic of Korea and Korea's simultaneous economic development and democratization.

Jongwoo is very dedicated to his work with the KWV Digital Memorial Foundation and his other foundation, the Korean War Legacy Foundation, that he uses to educate our educators with conferences held periodically through the country when he brings teachers to his conferences, with no charge to the teachers.

Paul Bombardier telling his story.

If you don't see your name listed above, be patient, Dr. Han will come back to Winchester at some point to conduct more interviews. Interviews were recorded and will be posted to the Foundation’s website at a future date.  

Fred Haymaker telling his story.

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