The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Commander Ray Ewing
Many officers, committee chairs and coordinators are carrying out their separate tasks diligently serving our Chapter this year. I do hereby express my sincere gratitude for their efforts.
Because of this dedication and determination to do their job well it is with some hesitation that I recognize any one person. However as shining examples of just what is being done I want to draw your attention two such persons in this column this month.
First there is Dick Boxwell, fundraiser chairman. The Chapter has never had so successful a fundraising campaign. As of the end of June the effort has yield 135% of the annual budgeted amount. This has been accomplished with the first two events for the year, And a third event is scheduled for August 4TH and 5TH. He stands a good chance of doubling this budgeted amount. I am cognizant of the fact that quite a number of members are involved in these collections. However they would not be so successful if it were not for the leg work, recruiting, scheduling and planning on the part of the chairman. Well done Dick. Thank you.
Then there is Josh Morimoto. Among the many tasks he been assigned or he has taken on is the writing and preparing articles for the Graybeards. If by chance some of you may have not read the last issue yet I urge to do so. The articles he submitted for #313 were excellently prepared. As far as I know this is a first for this chapter in our national publication. He is preparing yet another article for a future publication. With the apparent ease by which Josh got these articles published one wonders just how serious an effort was made in the past. Great job Josh. As I mentioned in the opening paragraph there are many persons working hard to serve our chapter. At the next meeting let them know just how much you do appreciate their efforts.
Remember !!! Save the Date: Sep 19th.
"HONOR FLIGHT" Trip to DC Memorials
The Top of Virginia Honor Flight group has scheduled another Honor Flight trip to visit the memorials in Washington, D. C.
September 16th. All of the details have not been released yet, however, in the past, they have started with a light breakfast at the American Legion Post #21 building beginning at 7:00am - depart at 7:30-8:00am - drive by the Marine Corps memorial in Arlington - stop at the WW II memorial - the Korean War Memorial - the Vietnam memorial and then go to Arlington National Cemetery to observe the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns - return home for a delicious meal at the American Legion. The day will end at 6:00pm. All of these times are estimates, more details will be available at a later date.
The important thing is that if you have never participated in an Honor Flight, do yourself a favor and plan to go. At least 20 of our members have gone in the past and everyone will attest as to how great the day is.
Continuing Project
More Bios Needed.
Charles Hoak is the chair of this project. BIOS Needed. Not many received to date. Handwritten are acceptable. We can type them up for you. He will be able to give any assistance to you that may be required. His address is 350 Longview Lane, Winchester, VA 22602, phone number is (540)-665-0828, and e-mail is