The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association

Rev. Raleigh Watson
His daughter, Jill, posted the following report recently:
"He's like the energizer bunny, Dad is doing well.
Dad had treatment today and the last couple of weeks proved to be good days. A few more pounds gained, blood pressure is great and the Oncologist says Dad is one great looking cancer patient.
The doctor is very happy with his stats and overall picture.
The next PET Scan is going to be scheduled for the beginning of April, so we will have a true progress report.
Dad continues to have decent energy and is maintaining his feisty self. 😆"
That is very encouraging! Keep it up, J!
The situations with most of our other members remain about the same as last month. Please keep in your prayers, all of our comrades who are ill, confined to home – or in need in any way.
Millard Pippin – 1– 540-667-1876 Charles Boyce – cell -1– 304-263-0811 Don Jones - 1– 540-869-1958 Leonard Laconia - 1– 540-667-1716 John Moreland - 1– 540-398-7327 Romie Nickles - 1– 540-667-1016. Charles Hoak - 1– 540- 665-0828 Bud Robertson - 1– 540-877-9132
We offer our deepest condolences to Ray Goff on the passing of his wife, Jane. We pray that she may rest in peace. It was a delightful surprise to have J. Jones with us at the last meeting. J. is undergoing treatments at Berkeley Medical Center in Martinsburg, WV.
John DePollo Apr 10, 1931
Tiney Jackson Apr 14, 1936
Ray Fish Apr 16, 1930
Glen Ramsburg Apr 23, 1927
Donald Westfall Apr 24, 1932
Donald Everhart Apr 25, 1929
Robert Shirley Apr 25, 1958
Millard Pippen Apr 30, 1927
Edgar Tufts Apr 01, 2018
Ernest "Ed" Hill Apr 17, 2018
William Misenheimer Apr 21, 2018
Kenneth Watts Apr 27, 2018
Apr 3, Chapter #313 BOD meeting @ 9:00 am. @ Macedonia UMC Room 201
Apr 7, Monthly “ALL” Veterans Breakfast @ Golden Corral. Please be seated by 8:15 am
Apr 8, 2:00 pm. Memorial wreath laying & Flagpole dedication @ Jim Barnett Park by the Winchester Arts Chorale & Chapter #313 . Class “A” uniform or suitable dress.
Apr 10, Chapter #313 monthly member meeting A.L. post 21 @ 2:00 pm w/ optional lunch 1:00 pm. Jim Fisher, speaker
Apr 13, 9:00 am. Mercer Middle school, Aldie, VA. “Living History Day” Class A uniform.
April 20-21, Fund raising days @ Walmart on Valley Ave.
Apr 22, 2:30 PM. Winchester Arts Chorale concert at Grace Lutheran Church honoring Veterans.