The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 11, Issue 05
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
May, 2018
ANNUAL "Living History Day".
n Friday, April 13th, nine members of KWVA Chapter 313 travelled to Mercer Middle School in Aldie, VA for their Annual “Living History Day” program.
The day started with a warm welcome at 8:30 am by students and the staff with a continental breakfast and conversation, after which the guides led the Veterans to their individual classrooms for the first period, which began at 9:30.
The Veterans told their stories of how they became involved with the military after the start of the Korean War in June, 1950.
Attending from Chapter 313 were Josh Morimoto, Paul Campbell, “Peachie DeHaven”, Lew Ewing, Herb Taylor, Jerry Lunt, Paul Bombardier, Narce Caliva & David Clark.
Questions raised by the students included, “how old were you, and how did you feel about the war ?”, “were you for or against it ?”, “how did your family feel ?”. “Where did you serve ?”, “and what was your job ?” “how long were you away from home ?”.
These and other questions were repeated with the following two periods. In all, three periods of instruction were carried out, and the time passed very quickly. Before we knew it, it was lunch time. We enjoyed a meal prepared and served by the students and staff with more conversation and many thanks with invitations to return again next year. A very pleasing event for all.