The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 11, Issue 08
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
August, 2018

Monday, June 25th was a special day for Chapter 313. Our Veterans were honored to be involved with the 68th anniversary of the start of the War in Korea, at the National Korea War Memorial. Pictured above are many KWVA Veterans gathered around Mrs. Yumi Hogan, wife of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan.
On June 25th, 13 members, spouses, or significant others totaling 20, traveled to Washington, D. C. as guests of the Korean Embassy. The program recognizing the start of the Korean War started at 0930. It was an outstanding ceremony including comments from Cho, Yoon-je, South Korea’s ambassador to the United States, Paul Cunningham, President of the KWVA, and brief remarks from the Vice Chair on Building the Wall. Flags from every nation that served during the Korean War were brought in by an armed forces honor guard. Music was by the Army Band. Wreaths were laid at every nation’s stone marker by individuals who were involved with that government.
After the ceremony, we were taken to the ROK Ambassador’s Residence for lunch, where we
heard a number of different individuals talk about the conflict. Needless to say, we were made to feel the Korean peoples thanks, it was a very good day.
Chapter members, spouses, and significant others attending were: Lew Ewing, David Clark, Robert Bremilst, Albert and Claire Ullman, Don and Bobby Netschke, Robert Shirley and Mitzi Churchey, Jack Keep, Narce and Leslie Caliva, Edward and Carol Ringoot, Herb Taylor, Ray and Bettye Ewing, Steve Culbert and Roxanne Barlow, and Hal Miller.