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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
         August, 2018
Flag Ceremony & Chapter Picnic.


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Sunday, July 22 marked the dedication of our new flags and poles recently installed, thanks to Gary Fletcher and his dedicated crew of volunteers.                                                 

This event was held in conjunction with the chapter’s annual picnic held at the Jim Barnett Park Pavilion.

The program began with the Invocation by Rev Jack Keep, followed by Gary Fletcher with the “Honoring the New Flag Statement”, and Ed Ellis trumpeting “To The Colors”.


Chaplain Raleigh Watson then read the history of the “Three Flags”.


 Following the program, a delicious catered luncheon was served and enjoyed by all.

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Guests from the Embassy of South Korea included Brig, Gen. Pyo and his wife, and Lt. Col. Lee and his wife and children.

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After the luncheon, Gen Pyo updated the gathering with the progress being made in resuming the return of our veterans remains from North Korea.

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