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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
January, 2019

David Clark

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It is with humbleness and honor that I accept the position of Commander of KWVA Chapter #313 for the coming year.  I only hope that with your help, we can continue the successes of the previous Commanders.  As I stated at our recent luncheon, there will be two main points of emphasis during my tenure as Commander.

 The first thing to be considered will be to continue to grow the Chapter.  Steve Culbert is Chairman of the Membership Committee, but every Chapter member is on his committee.  Only through your efforts, will we be successful in reaching this goal.  If you don’t have a blank application to join the chapter, please get one.   







While wearing your Korean War Veteran hat, if you encounter other veterans, stop them and start a conversation as to whether or not they ever served in Korea.  You’d be surprised how many of our new members were recruited in this way.


The second thing is getting members more involved in attending functions.

I. E.: the four times we are to go to D. C. for wreath laying and other ceremonies; local parades, and other local functions, anything our chapter is involved with.  If you haven’t been to the Memorial Day parade, June 25th wreath laying, July 27th Armistice celebration and Veterans Day on November 11th, you need to mark your calendars and plan to enjoy these opportunities.  Again, this is your KWVA Chapter and needs everyone’s involvement.


In closing, I want to thank “Peachie” DeHaven for his effort in making our luncheon the success that it was, and to thank all of the members who attended.  Our Korean guests were very much impressed with the turnout and  the courtesy with which they were received.

Updated January 5, 2019

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