The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 13, Issue 11
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
November, 2020
Gifts From Our Korean Friends
We were honored to welcome a delegation of representatives form the Council of Korean Churches of Greater Washington to our meeting held on October 13th. Ms. Hi Sok Park, Treasurer of the Council introduced seven other members of the Church, including Mr. In Chul Kim, president of the Korean Veterans Assoc. Inc. of Northern VA. who thanked all of our Korean Veterans for their service and

President Kim presenting Gifts to Dave Clark.
sacrifice during the Korean War, stating that due to the United States intervention in the war, his native country escaped losing the war and ending up under Communist control of North Korea. As a token of their appreciation, they presented to each of us a very handsome vest and a beautiful scarf bearing heart shaped flags representing each country that participated in the War. We wish to thank them for their thoughtful gifts.
Also, at our October meeting, Commander Clark informed everyone that our friends at the Republic of Korea Embassy delivered to us a supply of beautiful beverage cups engraved with the words "We Go Together" in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War. Each Chapter member in attendance was given one of the cups.

Members of the delegation from the Council of Korean Churches with Commander David Clark and Treasurer Lew Ewing.