The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 01
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
January, 2021
Veterans Day Trip to Korean War Veterans Memorial
On Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11, a group representing KWVA Chapter 313 traveled to the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. for commemoration ceremonies. The trip also included a presentation of plaques to the Korean War Veterans, and dinner at the Mission Barbeque Restaurant in Gainesville, VA.

Making the trip from Winchester were David and Beverly Clark, Donald and Dot Everhart, Albert and Claire Ullman, Doug and Robin Hall, Steve Culbert, Lew Ewing, Don Netschke, Gerald Lunt, Robert Shirley, Ronald Wenger, Andrew Hunter, Josh Morimoto, and Rod Yonkers.
We were picked up at the Walmart parking lot off Hwy 522 by a charter bus provided by the ROK Embassy in Washington D.C. Even though it rained the entire trip into Washington D.C., the rain seem to stop on queue as the service was about to begin. However, because of the threat of rain, the plan for the ceremony was shortened. It
was started by the Presentation of the Colors by Military Color Guard composed of members of the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, and U.S. Maine Corps The national anthems of the Republic of Korea and the United States were played, as well as Taps.
There were also 12 Stand Up Floral Wreaths presented by the Korean War Veterans Association; Korean War Veteran Memoria
l Foundation,

Embassy of the Republic of Korea; Defense Attaché, Embassy of Korea; Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency; Korean Defense Veterans Association; Korean American Korean War Veterans Association; Korean Veterans of Association of Washington D.C.; State of Maryland; National Park Service; American Legion; and Paralyzed Veterans of America.
Several members also had the opportunity to meet the Ambassador from the Republic of South Korea, as well as Lt. Col Park.
(Continued on page 5)