The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 01
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
January, 2021
On December 8th, Commander Clark calls the Annual meeting to order. 25 members were in attendance.

Commander Clark presents a certificate to Paul Bombardier on completing six years as the Chapter 313 secretary.

Commander Clark presented a certificate to KWVA National Director Narce Caliva naming him Chapter 313 “Member of the Year”.
Annual Chapter Election
Second Vice-Commander Steve Culbert presented a slate of officer candidates for the year 2021 as follows: For Commander Lew Ewing, 1st Vice-Commander Ronald
Wenger, 2nd Vice-Commander Andrew Hunter, Secretary Douglass Hall, and Treasurer Dave Stegmaier. After opening the floor for additional nominations, Andrew Hunter withdrew his name from the slate, where Sergeant-at-Arms Rob Shirley accepted the position, after which the slate was declared elected by acclamation.

KWVA National Director Narce Caliva Administers the Oath to the newly elected Chapter 313 Officers for the year 2021.

Commander-elect Lew Ewing presents a certificate of appreciation to out-going Commander David Clark for his service to the Chapter for the years 2019-2020.