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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 02
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
February, 2021

Secretary’s Corner  Friends, Members, and Veterans,


Many of us were raised on a code of honor. In these days, in the KWVA and other areas of society and politics, that sometimes appears to be an alien concept. In our organization, most of our members ARE honorable proud veterans, but for the good of the organization the KWVA National office has developed a "Code of Conduct".Many of our members have already signed on to the Code of Conduct and this is registered in their membership records at the KWVA National office.  If you are in receipt of this email, our records show that you have not yet signed on to the KWVA Code of Conduct.  While it is not mandatory, it is our sincere hope that all of our KWVA Chapter 313 members will agree with the Code and be willing to sign up to it for the good of the organization.  This will also demonstrate to our National directorate that Chapter 313 is committed to the highest standards of respect, honor and patriotism and is indeed one of, if not the best, chapter in the organization.  

Attached to this message, is a file copy of the KWVA Code of Conduct.  We appreciate you taking the time to read and sign a copy of the Code by printing it out, or signing and scanning electronically if you prefer.  You should then return your signed copy by email or USPS mail to our Chapter 313 Secretary, Doug Hall (address below).  Doug will then collect all signed copies and file them with the National Membership office, to be added to your membership record. 

Thank you on behalf of your KWVA Chapter 313 Board of Directors.

Doug Hall – 18297 Yellow Schoolhouse Rd. Round Hill, VA  20141  (

Paul Gets the Shot. 

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Volunteer Lisa M. Darsch MSN RN of the  Eleanor Wade Custer School of Nursing Vaccinates Paul with a smile.


      On Wednesday, January 13th, Paul Bombardier and his wife Shirley visited the Covid-19 vaccination program held at the Wilkins Sports Center at Shenandoah Univ. This program is undoubtedly the best designed to administer the vaccine medication to a large number of people. Arriving early for our appointment, we were ushered by traffic control Officers into the huge parking lot and the many friendly and smiling volunteers at every station for our processing. This was very well organized and we were out five minutes before our appointment was due. A Total of 25 minutes in and out. Great job Valley Health, Lord Fairfax Health services and Shenandoah University 


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