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Updated March 1, 2021


The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 03
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
March, 2021
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For the most part, my message this month is basically a carbon copy of last month’s message.  There has been no change from a month ago regarding our ability to hold our monthly Membership meeting.  The Governor of Virginia has not relaxed the restrictions he imposed upon the state months ago, so unless something changes between now and March 9th, we will be unable to hold our March meeting.  
     Our inability to meet really bothers me, however, at this time, we have no other alternative.  Hopefully, if the indoor meeting restrictions are not lifted beforehand, 

when the weather warms-up, we will be able to hold our meetings outside.  We will continue to monitor the situation on an ongoing basis, and we will keep you informed.

        In the meantime, while the demand is much greater than the supply, I hope that most of you have been able to receive your COVID vaccine shots by now. 

        Our calendar of scheduled events is very limited now due to the virus.  I do want to call your attention to a notice located elsewhere in this newsletter regarding the 2021 Memorial Day Parade scheduled for May 1st in Washington, D.C. This may be the first major event we will be able to participate in this year so I encourage you to read the notice carefully and plan to attend – it should be fun!

 Lewis M. Ewing, Commander      

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