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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 09
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
September, 2021

(Cont. from P. 1 )

normally have well over 80. 

On September 2nd, we will attend the Shenandoah County Fair.  Will you show up?

On September 11th, we have been invited to attend a program jointly sponsored by the Hagerstown Korean Church and the Hagerstown Chapter of the KWVA.  Again, will you show-up?

     For the past two years, we have been planning an all expense paid trip to the new U S Army Museum located at Ft. Belvoir.  Now that the pandemic is behind us and the Museum is open, we have scheduled a tour of the museum on October 14th, with only 11 members indicated they were interested in attending.  We cannot justify going to the expense of chartering a 55-passenger bus to haul 11 members with a few guests to the museum.  We will discuss it again at the September meeting and if we can’t generate more interest in the trip, we will cancel it!

          I am at a loss attempting to identify the problem but I can assure you that if we continue down the path we are currently headed, we may as well fold up our tents now and turn out the lights – the party is over!  The decision is up to you – each of you!  Where we go from here is up to you,   

Lewis M. Ewing, Commander

Editors Note

I recently received this card from Ms. Rachel Kim who is returning to Korea.  She is thanking Korea war veterans for their service in the saving of her country.

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