The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association

Don Netschke
Where has the time gone? At our age it seems that each day or month passes by all too quickly It seems as if just a couple months ago Itook command of our Chapter. But within just a little over one month, on January 1,you will have a new commander in
.charge of the Chapter year of 2017. I wish him much success. Further, I request that the membership continue to give their total support for moving our Chapter forward to broadening our commitment to the prin- ciples on which our Chapter purpose is founded.
Be reminded that no commander can succeed in his leadership with out strong support from the base membership itself. Every member is responsible to ensure that they are contributors to the success of the Chapters mission. I am confident that the officers and former officers of our Chapter will continue to support and provide guidance when called upon.
Having said that, I wish to extend my appreciation for all that they have rendered in support of my year as your commander. As to the growth in our Chapter membership, I stand at attention and salute each of you for your job well done.
( continued on page 6)
Dec 3 All Veterans breakfast at the Golden Corral. Be seated by 8:25am.
Dec 6 SVC-KWVA Board of Directors meeting at Macedonia UMC @ 9:00am
Dec 7 Pearl Harbor Day (1941).
Dec 7 "Concert of Remembrance" at the Front Royal Presbyterian Church @ 12:30pm presented by Beverly Clark.
{See full article on page 6.)
Dec 8 Chapter #100 Regional Christmas Party at the American Legion building in Springfield, VA @ 12:00 noon.
Dec 13 SVC-KWVA Annual Meeting and Election of Officers for 2017. Meeting at the American Legion Post #21 building: Lunch @ 1:00pm Meeting @ 2:00pm
Dec 21 First day of Winter .
Jerry White December 10, 1932
Lawrence McNealy December 13, 1956
Marshall DeHaven December 13, 1931
Ed Ringoot December 17, 1932
Ray Aston December 21, 1931
Doug Purnell December 21, 1931
Edgar White, Jr. December 29, 1929
Allen Stine December 31, 1964