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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Lewis M. Ewing, Editor
October 2016

     They were shipped to Ft Lewis, WA, waiting to go overseas. One morning,Jack had a tooth problem so he went on Sick Call. When he got back to the Company, two other guys and Jack had orders and they were goingto fly to Tokyo that night, of course there were more than just the three of them. At any rate, the rest of the Company arrived a couple of weeks later as they came by ship. They then left for Korea and arrived the next morning in Pusan.

     When they arrived in the repo depot, they joined the 24th Infantry Division.  Jack was told to report to the Company Commander as he wanted to know if Jack would like to clerk again as his original CO had put a very nice letter of recommendation regarding his original clerking job  in his file.  So Jack went from a 1745 rifleman to a clerk in the Signal Co. of the Division  At the time they were in Pusan but then they moved north and replaced the 45th Division.  After a couple of months, Jack became the Signal Supply Sgt. and this was a great duty, as they had every size and type battery you could imagine, and the officers would negotiate for batteries for their shavers, radios, etc. Jack bargained for fatigues, canned foods and so on, it was very lucrative. In October of 1954, Jack received his orders to return to the states.

      He mustered out at Ft . Meade, and in the

process he was asked if he had ever served in the Navy? He told them that he was in the inactive reserves and he said well then you get additional mustering out pay, and also a Honorable Discharge from the Navy. So Jack has two Honorable Discharges in his records. That's why he began with that little bit of Navy info in the first  paragraph of this bio.

     After being discharged, Jack returned to Scranton and to Sears and to his fiancee. They became engaged while he was in the service and he wanted some time to get used to  civilian life so he suggested they wait about six months before they got married. He rememb­ ers to this day "if you don't marry me in 90  days, forget it". He got home in November and they were married in February. After they married, Jack attended the University of Scranton  and graduated  in 1963.

     Jack worked 40 years for Sears and had many different jobs and assignments. They were transferred to Winchester as store manager in 1974 when the store was on Loudoun Street. He was fortunate enough to open the new store in the Mall in 1982.  Jack retired in 1990.

     Unfortunately, Jack lost his wife, Pat, a couple years ago but he still lives in their home in Stephens City. He has four daughters and one son, nine grandchildren, and he truly enjoys living in this area. He was also the Executive Director of the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival for five years, from 1991-1995. Quite a change from a career in  retail!!

     Jack has enjoyed his association with the wonderful group of veterans in the Shenandoah Valley Chapter of the Korean War Veterans Association. ( Editor's Note: Jack has been a very valuable and hard worker for our Chapter. He has served as Chairman of our Fund Raising Committee and is currently serving as our Treasurer. Thank you, Jack, for all you have done in support of  our Chapter.)

"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway."

               John Wayne

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