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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Lewis M. Ewing, Editor
February 2016

    I hope that none of you encountered any health or property problems. There are few snowstorms that will measure up to what we just had. Three feet of snow is beyond what most of us can dig our way through. I don't think that the sun will help us dispose of this amount in a short time. Maybe some time in March, I hope.

    I wish to again stress the importance of acquiring new members. If we are to safeguard our future we must have new members to carry on our mission. Ask your neighbors, your friends if they know a veteran who has served in Korea or its surrounding seas. Be active in spreading the work for membership. Please have an application ready to hand out.

    One of our near-term goals is to establish a website for Chapter 313. This site will keep our membership advised of Chapter activities in a more timely fashion. It will also be more cost effective. For those who do not have computers a hard copy of our Chatter will be sent to you. If any member has a family member who would like to be our webmaster, please send me their name and phone number. The compensation will be our ever lasting gratitude.

    Best wishes to all and prayers for your happiness and good health. Stay safe.

Don Netschke, Commander


(Editor's Note: I do not have the birth dates for the following members:

    Tony Bencivenga, Wayne Borden, Tony Bucaloy, Bill Heishman,

    Ralph Martin, John Moreland, Josh Moimoto, John Shenk,

    Richard Stork

Please contact me at the next meeting, by email at or by phone at 540-539-8705 to give me your birth date. We want to be sure to remember all of our members on this very important date in your lives)


© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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