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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Lewis M. Ewing, Editor
May 2016

     I wish to extend my appreciation to all the Chapter members who participated in our recent fundraising effort held on 15-16 April. Your time and effort is what makes these fundraising efforts a success. Our Fundraising Chairman, Dick Boxwell, has done an outstanding job of planning. His attention to detail and leadership should not be overlooked nor gone unmentioned. Thank you all for a job well done.

Don Netschke

     Our Chapter family picnic will be held on 24 July 2016 in Jim Barnett Park in the shelter next to our Memorial. Chairman Herb Taylor will keep us advised as the details are finalized. Please be ready to help Herb if he asks you. Let's make this a memorable family gathering.

     On 19 April I meet with Sen. Tim Kaine's Regional Representative, Joseph Monanto, to express our Chapter's support for Senate Bill 1982 - The Wall of Rememberance at our Memorial in Washington and to ask the Senator to support the effort to get Senate approval to honor our MIA/POW's.

     April has been another very busy month for us as we attended the Regional Meeting in Funkstown, MD, participated in the Mercer Middle School Heritage Day program, our Fundraiser, Firefighters Parade and May promises to be an equally busy month. Please plan to join in the fun.

     May God continue to bless each of us.

Don Netschke, Commander


May 3


May 7


May 8

May 8

May 10




May 13


May 14


May 21


May 21

May 28


May 30


May 30

SVC-KWVA Board of Directors Meeting

@ Macedonia U M Church @ 9:00am.

All Veterans Breakfast @ Golden Corral Be seated by 8:15 am.


VE Day. End of the war in Europe

SVC-KWVA Membership Meeting at the

American Legion Post #21 building:

     Lunch @ 1:00pm

     Meeting @ 2:00pm

Veterans Appreciation Day at Greenwood Baptist Church 12:00 noon

Dept. of VA - KWVA program at the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond - Time TBD

Program at Caroline Middle School near Richmond - Time TBD

Armed Forces Day

Newtown (Stephens City) Heritage Day Parade @ 1:00pm

Memorial Day program in Shenandoah Memorial Park @ 10:30am

National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC @ 2:00pm. Departure TBD


     If you haven't already done so, be sure to pull up our extremely well-done Webpage on the internet at Paul Bombardier's son has volunteered to be our Web Master and he has gotten off to an outstanding start and has given us one of the best designed and best looking webpage on the internet. We thank him for his hard work!!

Web Page

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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