The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
The last few days of May and the month of June were extremely busy days for the members of our Chapter.

On Monday, May 28th, Memorial Day, we had representatives of our Chapter in attendance at the annual Memorial Day ceremony held at the Omps Funeral Home-South Chapel while twelve of us took part in the annual Memorial Day parade in Washington, D.C. In addition to the parade, we participated in a Wreath Laying ceremony at our Korean War Memorial.

Bill Scott, Charles Hoak and Jack Kronenberger along with a member of Chapter 312 in Hagerstown waiting for the parade to start.
On Saturday, May 26th, seven of us participated in the Newtown Heritage Festival parade in Stephens City. It was a very hot day, however, we all survived as we received another very warm welcome from all of the folks along the parade route. Members attending were (l to r) Herb Taylor, Jack Kronenberger, Charles Hoak, Gary Fletcher, Lew Ewing, Bill Scott and Paul Bombardier.

Lew Ewing and Don Netschke escorting two of the young Korean ladies who were wearing traditional Korean dresses during the Wreath Laying Ceremony at our Korean War Memorial. Each of the ladies placed a rose on one of the granite stones at the Memorial honoring each of the nations that participated in the Korean War with us and the Republic of Korea.