The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
history they have produced some of Thoroughbred
racing's greatest horses.
"I was there when Mrs. Lucille Parker Wright
Markey managed the operation. She inherited the
property following her husband's death in 1950. I
galloped Tim Tam (winner of Kentucky Derby
and Preakness Stakes), Iron Liege (winner of
Kentucky Derby), Bardstown (superior handicap
horse), a Glitter and many others. While there I
became friends with the great Eddie Arcaro."
It was a natural that Anthony Bencivenga and
Edward Arcaro would become kindred souls. They
both loved racing and shared their substantial
Italian heritage.
"Eddie was the most professional and generous
rider I ever had the pleasure of encountering. He
was a true scholar of the game and studied the Daily Racing Form like he was going to be tested on the material. I was blessed to work around some amazing horses and people. One of the foremost was trainer Jimmy Jones, who I still keep in touch with at his home in Parnall, MO. I stayed at Calumet until Jimmy left to be director of racing
for Monmouth Park in 1964".
Like a rolling stone and in typical racetrack fashion Tony has continued to move where the demand needs him. For 16 years Tony worked at Charlestown for general manager Robet Leavitt,
"Like many racetrackers before me, the little night track in the remote corner of West Virginia just seems to pull you in. I was a clocker for the Morning Telegraph and remember sending workouts to New Jersey over the Western Union."
Tony held that post until an opening in the racing office at Penn National became available. He set up roots for about five years and fondly recalls his bossand racing secretary, Peter Kosiba.
"Peter was brilliant at his job and understood how to write a condition book for the horses stabled on th grounds.. One night in the '80s while I filled in for the paddock judge, I prepared to announce 'Riders Up', and nothing came out. My buddy and
legendary Penn jockey Arnold Liescu glanced confusingly in my direction and the next day I was diagnosed with throat cancer." Experimental laser surgery and prayer seemed to suppress the dangerous predicament, while countless friends sent words of encouragement from across the country.
Nowadays, Anthony Bencivenga can be found on the Charlestown backstretch training a few horses for his longtime client Mary Francis Hughes.
The man from Hoboken who walked in the unspoiled footsteps of some of the "Sport of Kings" greatest heroes and personalities, stopped while walking his horse, grinned in my direction and said, "Do you know what the secret of life is?"
This was like the Oracle of Delphi speaking! I leaned closer and he said, "Wake up every morning and challenge yourself to have a better day than yesterday."
I offer my opponents a bargain.
If they will stop telling lies about us,
I will stop telling the truth about them!
-Adlai Stevenson, 1952-
Commander's Comments (con't from page 1)
to the best of his ability. Is proud to be a member.
He also exibits his pride by acquiring new mem-
bers. He displays his service emblem - he is proud
to be a veteran.
I'm sure that all of you would agree that our Chap-
ter is important to the community. Have you consi-
dered your role reminding the public of our great
heritage and love of our flag and serving our coun-
try. We are the living reminder of what has been
done to protect this country. That history repeats
itself and that we should always be prepared to de-
fend our GOD, our country and our freedom. I ask
that each of us make an extra effort to continue
being a contributing member of our organization's mission.
Don Netschke, Commander.